She’s your best friend for a reason. You both know each other too well and jokes flow easily with you two. Things are easier to do and understand when it’s her and when you don’t have the patience to tolerate anybody else (this includes bae by the way). It would make sense if you shop with her too.
Bestie knows what you like
Being best friends means spending an absurd amount of time with a friend who knows and understand you way too much. This also means that you two know what the other likes already so shopping becomes easier. She helps you pick out what catches your interest and vice versa.
Bestie will fite you
When you think you look gross and fat in an outfit you picked out, she will remind you just how much pretty you are compared to the other girls in the store. She will then proceed to defend your honour against yourself and FITE you about it.
Bestie also doesn’t hold back in honesty
She doesn’t want you to embarrass yourself out there so she makes it a point to be as brutally honest as possible. She makes funny yet decent comments about the decisions you made whilst not actually going too far as to insult you.
Bestie reminds you not to be dumb about purchases
Thankfully, we all have someone that stops us from making bad decisions in life. They come in the form of best friends who know when to drag you away from an expensive and unnecessary purchase you would regret as soon as you owned it.
Bestie is patient when you’re being ridiculous (and maybe becomes ridiculous herself as well)
Well, she’ll either wait out the storm or becomes the storm with you.
Bestie mocks ugly clothes with you

She isn’t your best friend if she doesn’t make fun of ugly things with you. This makes the shopping spree effectively more fun to have when you have someone to laugh with as you walk around.
Bestie is there to pay when you’re in a pinch
Of course she is. And you can do the same for her when SHE’S in a pinch as well.
Bestie is always up for food, coffee breaks and snacks
Snacks make the entire day better. After you and bestie bought what you wanted and needed, what better way to end the day shopping with her than to go head to that cute café and chill as you two ate your orders? Amidst the shopping, there is also the part where you try on the clothes you both got and then take pictures of it together. Memories are shared on those selfies, which will only increase over time as you two spend more shopping days together. The world is a lot brighter with bestie there, isn’t it?