When it comes to buying an engagement ring, there are a lot of things that you should know before you look to spend your money if you want to get the best possible deal. An excellent place to start would be to learn about the 4 C’s of diamonds which are the cut, clarity, colour, and carat, as all these factors can affect the prices of diamonds. You can find some excellent information on the 4cs.gia.edu website which is a good starting point before you go shopping. Below is a breakdown of these and how they can affect the price of a diamond ring.
Choose A Good Cut
Whether you are looking for custom engagement rings or engagement rings in an off the shelf design, the cut of the stones will affect how much the ring sparkles. There are many different types of cuts and they each reflect light different depending on the symmetry and proportions of each facet. The cut is graded from “poor” to “ideal” and the better the cut, the more valuable the stone.

The Carat Weight
The carat of the stone refers to the weight of the diamond, and it is possible to have two diamonds of the same carat weight that are different sizes. The carat has the most significant effect on the price of a diamond. If you are looking to save some money on the cost of your engagement ring, you may wish to choose a size slightly below what you initially wanted, as this can save you some money and the human eye will not be able to tell the difference.
The Colour Of The Diamond
The colour, or lack of it in a white diamond, can also add to the value. Most diamonds will have a slight tinge of colour to them, even white diamonds, and they usually have a brown or a yellow tone to them. The colour scale runs from D to Z, with a diamond with a D grade having no colour at all to it, while a Z grade diamond will have a yellowish-brown tinge to it. The most popular colour grades for people to buy for jewellery are between grades F and I.
Perfect Clarity
The clarity of a diamond refers to how clear it is as most diamonds when they are formed will have natural imperfections in them. When the diamond is being processed, it will be assessed to see which cut would suit the stone best which is determined by the imperfections in the diamond. The clearer a diamond is, the more expensive it is, and the shape of the diamond can also affect its clarity. Because round and princess cut diamonds have many facets, these can hide imperfections in the stone so are some of the most popular cuts for diamond jewellery.
Different Options
For Metal As well as the different diamonds that are available, you will also have to consider the precious metal that you will use for your engagement or wedding rings. There are many different options available, and you should choose a metal that is going to match your lifestyle. Any reputable jeweller will be able to give you advice on selecting the best metal for your rings that will suit your lifestyle, and you can also get some excellent information on the weddingideasmag.com website.