Ever had that phase? Of dressing in all black and giving a nod towards both Avril Lavigne and Haley Williams? Because we are bring that back, baby! Sk8ter Girl look is in again and it’s looking even more stylish as before. Gone are the days of being edgy just to be edgy. Now, we wear these clothes with a little spice of Edge on it just to make a statement.
Adult women can look amazing in this style too. And because we have matured, the look gets hotter.
Oversized Distressed T-shirts/Striped Tops/Leather Jackets/Hoodies
Your top, of course, brings a lot of eyes so your go-to are these. Of course, you can wear your t-shirts and tops under your leather jacket. Heck, you can even replace the leather jacket with a denim one. Whatever the case, the point is to make the top half look lose and heavy-looking, to make way for the lower part. That part needs to be fit and revealing, you see. Your legs are going to be the selling point of this style.
Fiery Coloured Hair
Remember when Haley Williams had fiery orange hair? That sure set a statement to what a rocker girl should look like, huh? So let’s bring that back. These days you often see other brighter colours that go along with a darker tone of clothing, like white, bright blue and even grin. For this, we go back to the classic bright orange with red streaks or the bright pink hair with orange streaks. Bright hair contrasts the dark clothing, which makes the look even better.
Plaid Skirts
Back then, the skirt to pair this were skater skirts, regular black ones. But now, nothing says stylish and preppy more than plaid skirts that stop mid-thigh. A sexy and daring look that offsets the loose clothes. It’s better if the colour is the classic black and red, though other colours would be fine too, as long as it is plaid. You can be creative in your skirts too, like going for ones with a chain design.
Fishnet Stockings/Tights
Remember when we said the lower part has to be fitting and revealing? Well, this is it, sort of. Showing off your legs is the best part of this style. Wearing fishnets tease that and brings out a very sexy and daring look to your rebellious get-up. Fishnets or tights also give you an excuse to wear shorter skirts, which is a plus.
Boots/Converse Shoes
Still trendy, aren’t they? Pairing the whole look off with either your favourite Converse or your intimidating combat boots gives a “don’t mess with me” yet playful look. The best part about these shoes compared to the usual heels we often wear? You can run and play around in them. You won’t have to worry about tripping or breaking your ankle with any heels. Nothing says Skater Girl than a pair of Converse.