With 2020 finally here, do you think you need a new make-over? Or have you already done your makeover during the holiday break? If you haven’t already, why not take a look at what hair colour you should go for this year? After all, if the year is new, so should you be.
For that, we have scrounged up the best-looking hair colours Instagram could offer and see what is trending. Do you think you could pull off these hair-colours? Don’t worry, we’re looking at colours that might as well be natural hair colours. The era of having bright coloured red/green/blue hair is over. It’s now time to go for a mature look.
Honeyed Dirty Blonde
The wonderful in-between of blonde and brunette! You don’t need to be one or the other, why not just be both at the same time for this year?
Glossy Mocha
This brunette hair colour will get you through every bad hair day! The gloss will make you look fabulous even when your hair isn’t cooperating.
Sandstone Blonde
It’s the best neutral blonde to ever have, without having to worry about which kind of warm honey blonde to be.
Strawberry Blonde Balayage
A brunette hair colour that has a reddish tint to it. It’s beautiful and different, which makes it the best out of this list.
Rooty Blonde Blend
An ashy blonde that isn’t so when you get to the roots, just so you wouldn’t have to go to salon all the time to get it touched up.
Burnt Caramel
It’s moodier and very appealing to look at, since it’s low maintenance and is already on the darker side of the brown hues.

Apricot Red
It’s the best reddish hair colour that brings out the baby blues in your eyes. Be the beautiful and busty red-head this year!
Blushed Chocolate Brown
A chocolate brown hair colour with the most subtle blush tint ever. It’s pretty and eye-catching, which also goes well with any outfit.
Pearly Blonde Dimension
2018’s pearly blonde gets a new touch up by blending into the darker and warmer shades of blonde, bringing together a wonderful mix even though it’s both just blonde!
Ginger Brunette
My personal favourite, since the orangey shade of hair tends to bring out the energy out of people. It’s beautiful and eye-catching, not to mention if you have green or blue eyes you’re going to be a total knockout.
The point of these trending hair colours is to make your own natural hair colour work. By keeping your natural colour and mixing it into a unique version of it, you bring out a slightly different you yet still very much the same you without really compromising the integrity of your hair. If you don’t like it, you can always go for bolder colours to set a statement. It’s your hair after all.