The decision to include your girlfriend when shopping for an engagement ring is a huge one. On one hand, if you include her in the shopping process, you can rest assured knowing that you will be picking out a ring that she loves as she will have input on the final ring. On the other hand, if you include her in the process, you completely ruin the surprise of presenting the ring to her in a proposal. Depending on what you value more between a ring that she will love, and a surprise to make the night, it can be incredibly difficult to decide if you should include her in the ring shopping process. However, there are many reasons why you should include her in this process.
The Benefits of Including Her in the Ring Shopping Phase
As with many things in life, there are benefits and cons to everything. When it comes to including your girlfriend while you buy engagement rings in New Zealand, there are many things that you will have to weigh. Here are some of the benefits of including her in this process. For one, you will have a much easier time choosing a ring that you know she will like. After all, she will be right there to talk it out with you. Presumably, you already know her well enough to have a decent idea but it is always comforting to be able to ask her whether or not the ring you were thinking of is a good fit. You never know what she might prefer in something as important as a wedding ring. For all you know, she could decide that she wants something completely different than what you were originally thinking about.

You can also be certain of the ring size as well. It can be very difficult to secretly find out the ring size when you are trying to keep it a secret. When you are working alongside your girlfriend in choosing a wedding ring, you can very easily ask her what her ring size is or even ask her to measure it. This can take a significant amount of stress out of shopping for rings, leaving you with more time to focus on the details that you both love in an engagement ring.
The Cons of Including Her in the Ring Shopping Phase
And, of course, there are going to be some downsides to including your girlfriend in shopping for the ring. One of the largest downsides is going to be that the surprise of the ring is lessened. There are definitely ways that you can get around this, such as surprising her with a trip to the ring store to begin the process, but nothing quite beats the sheer joy of proposing to the woman of your dreams. This is the biggest con that comes with including your girlfriend in the ring shopping phase. Depending on what is most important to you, you will have to weigh your priorities with this decision.